Staying another day

Amanda is feeling a little better but not much. We’re going to stay another day just to be safe. Looking better than last night, not sure she feels it though. She took a shower earlier to get all of the hospital off. Which I’m sure made her feel better but was quickly canceled out and made her tired. She feels like eating so I order in, it should arrive soon. Hopefully she’ll get to feeling better after we eat. The AC is working much better so maybe she’ll get a good nap this afternoon.

Headed home

Amanda’s feeling better this morning so we’re headed home in a bit. She was doing better yesterday but started hurting again last night. She seemed to to sleep alright last night, hopefully she’ll be able to nap on the ride home also. I figure we should be home between 4 and 5, I’m praying traffic won’t be to bad with it being a holiday weekend. It’s always better to get home, she really didn’t want to stay yesterday. I’m sure she’ll feel better just being home and getting to see her pups! 

We had a little scare with one of the dogs yesterday too. We have a high school girl that always dog sits them us, yesterday afternoon she called and said our female boxer’s face was swollen. She send a pic and her eye, cheeks, and lips were super swollen. I called our local vet and he was able to go by and give her a shot. Our dogs are not just dogs to us they are our 4 legged children. She’s better now but it freaked Amanda out since we weren’t there to check on her.

We are over prepared at the house, we went grocery shopping just before we left so we are all stocked up and won’t need a thing. I can’t stand having to go shopping after we get home or on the way home. I put in to have off till next Sunday but I don’t think I’ll need that much time off. I’ll just play it by ear and see how Amanda is feeling though. I’m a bit of a recluse when we get home from surgeries, this may sound horrible but I just don’t like talking to people about what’s going on. We live in small town where everyone knows us and knows what’s going on so I if I go to the store I’ll have to tell the same story 10 before I get out. Don’t get me wrong it’s amazing that everyone cares and asks how things are going but it’s exhausting when I just want to get a bag of dog food and get back to Amanda. That is why I love this site, everyone get updates and I only have to tell the story once. We really appreciate everyone who keeps up with our story, the comments, cards, texts, and calls. We love you all. 

We’re all packed and ready I just need to help Amanda get dressed, and get myself ready, call for a bellhop, and we’ll be on our way.

Back home

We got home around 5 or so, Amanda is feeling ok but not great. Her back has been hurting since before we left so that wasn’t great for all the bumps. The pain is in the area of her kidneys, I’m sure they had tons of junk filtered through them during the surgery. We would have been here sooner but the traffic was horrible. In the city it wasn’t to bad but once we started to get on the outskirts it was stop and go for 50 miles. We’re all settled in now, it didn’t take long for the pup to snuggle up to her mama! She’s doing much better now too, the swelling has gone down significantly. It feels good to be back home in our own place.