The Tank saga

Well, I haven’t quite made it to see Amanda yet. I’m beginning to wonder if bringing Tank was a bad idea. Before I left Tank, I showed him how to use the chair to get in the bed. He’s getting old, and we have a ramp for him at home. He wouldn’t quite use the chair to get down, so I made him a landing pad with a blanket to soften the blow on his old joints.

I went to leave and waited quietly in the hall to see what he’d do. He immediately ran to the door and then started whining. I walked down the hall a bit so he couldn’t smell me, and then he started barking! I walked further by the stairs and an electrical closet and texted Amanda. I was quiet and could barely hear Tank bark, but I heard a lady say there’s a guy in the hall texting! I’m not sure if she heard Tank, but after a while, I went back in when he wouldn’t stop.

We’d never had a problem with this before, but also never had him in a hotel alone. I thought he might need to go out, and I didn’t want him to mess on the floor when I finally left if he was anxious. So we went back out to the make a poo run. The elevator here is weird. You push the floor you want before getting in the elevator, only the door open and close buttons are inside the elevator. Then, it will tell you what elevator to get in. Tank didn’t like the lady’s voice from the bottom box; he seemed concerned. 

We walked a ways and no poop, then I took him by our old hotel and his regular poo spot, thinking familiar ground would do the trick. It did not; we just got rained on again and were nearly splashed by cars driving by. We watched some more cartoons when we returned; Coco was on, followed by Encanto. When I told Amanda that, she said he’d be speaking Spanish when I got back! I was looking for doggy daycares in case he wouldn’t calm down. I came here to be with Amanda, not Tank. All that I saw mentioned needing proof of vaccination, which I can’t get, and his tag is out of date because I didn’t put the new one on.

Amanda texted to tell me after the shift change, the new doctor came in and was nice. She noticed Amanda was in pain and quickly ordered something for her. Her rate was 140 when she arrived but had “calmed down” to 125. They ran all the ER labs as last time, and she was waiting to see a cardio fellow. I guess this is the SOP for the ER to run labs, blood cultures, and so on, thinking she is having heart issues like a heart attack.

I went to leave again after being with Tank until he fell asleep. Same, sorry, he barked again, and I could have sworn I heard someone in a room saying something about a dog. I went back in to calm him, and I could tell he was anxious when I walked in. I called Amanda and talked to her for a while about the situation. I had her on speaker, and eventually, Tank started whining and wouldn’t stop even after it was off speaker. He’s just a wreck; very concerned, sitting close and staring at me! 

Amanda didn’t like the idea of leaving him at daycare, even if we could get him updated shots, since he’s not used to being around other dogs. We talked about different options. I told her we needed a ring camera so we could watch him. We needed another for our house anyway, so I placed a pickup order at Target for one that pans and tilts, I’ll grab it in the morning. I’m also going to see if I can get a vet visit and maybe get something to calm him down. We used a vet here before when Zoey wouldn’t eat after she moved to Houston with us, but they are permanently closed now.

The plan is to wait and see how he does in the morning. Maybe he’ll be more settled, we’re hoping. Perhaps he just needs a good poop! He just woke up and is whining and anxious; I’ve never seen him like this. Maybe he just wants me to go to sleep, too. I hope we didn’t bring him up here just for me to hang out with him, not Amanda. There is a high probability, though, that I’ll be spending tomorrow with him in the hotel and the car as an Uber food delivery driver for Amanda! 

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