This post is going to be real short! We are home and had an uneventful trip back. Amanda did better than I thought she would, but if you asked her, she might have a different opinion! She did have some pretty bad bouts of pain. They would subside but still come again after much activity. This is the most she’s been up and around since we were in the hospital, too.
We got home close to 9 and were met with a grand welcoming committee at our house when we arrived—signs, balloons, and trees wrapped in ribbon. I’m pretty sure my Suburban is wrapped with something, too!
The excitement of being home was quickly shattered. I didn’t make but a couple of trips bringing bags inside before I noticed Amanda balling. We were empty one family member. It was noticeable without Zoey to greet us. She was the snuggle bug, too. Always nursing Amanda back to health after hospital stays like this. Tank isn’t much of a chair dog anymore. He had too many dump everyone out of the recliner incidents and is gun-shy about getting in them!
I told Amanda earlier today that we weren’t doing anything tomorrow. We’re not leaving the house, having visitors, or doing anything! We’ll have to emerge from the house the following day, though. We have an appointment with our primary in Uvalde on Thursday morning.
I’ll post about our trip home sometime tomorrow, but I’m not going to get in a hurry about it!
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