Recovery Wait
As I waited with Amanda in recovery, the telemetry monitor kept beeping because her heart rate was constantly getting over 130 just lying there. I never saw it below 128, either. Since it was both sides of the heart were checked, she still had a sheath in her groin site. This caused more waiting for…
It was close to 3 pm before they took Amanda back to the cath lab. This is one of the later procedures she’s had in this lab. I walked the all-familiar hallway as they rolled her back. The nurse didn’t tell me where I needed to kiss her goodbye; I think he knew this wasn’t…
We’ve been busy, hence the lack of posts. This is always a busy time of the year for us. Once home from our heativersary trips, it’s officially the holiday season and all that comes with that. For us, this means a lot of ministry work, too. Our last trip was a ministry trip to various…
That title is just as scary to write as it is to read; no, I’m sure it is much more frightening for me to write than for you to read. We don’t know specifically if we are in a full-blown rejection or what level it is. Sadly, we won’t even have the answer to that…
Back to Houston
Honestly, I hadn’t even unpacked completely from our South Dakota trip until yesterday when I packed for this trip! After getting home, we quickly made a trip to San Antonio to see the orthopedic surgeon to check Amanda’s knee out. We were 50/50 if a call would come in for us to go to Houston,…
Long Drive Home
Last-day posts are always hard for me to do once we return home. I guess I get out of the groove, but I thought I’d catch y’all up before we head to Houston tomorrow for a check-up on the rejection. We were up early, leaving Colorado Springs, but not early enough to beat traffic. It…
Last Look at South Dakota
Even though it was check-out day, we were still up early to see critters. I was up early to work on a post. I was behind a day, so I made coffee, lit a fire, and got my MacBook out. Amanda was tired and quiet, but I knew she wanted to see animals on the…
Last Look Around
Amanda was a little chipper the morning on the last full day in South Dakota. She is only a morning person on vacation, not at home, though. That woman does not like to be up early! It was cold, and I had a fire going strong when she happily poked her head around the corner…
Heartiversary in Spearfish Canyon
It was an early wake-up on the official heartiversary day, October 22. We needed to be back early to get all dolled up for the ballet in the evening. On the itinerary, I had “no showers, get up and go!” Amanda had her alarm set early. I asked why it was so early, and she…
Badlands National Park
It was another leisurely get-up this morning, but I was still up relatively early. We planned on leaving late because we wanted to visit Mt. Rushmore after dark. A few friends suggested we go after dark. We would leave down the road we had arrived on the first day to see things now in the…