Surgery tomorrow

Early tomorrow morning my better half Amanda, emphasis on better, will be having a major heart surgery. Those of you that know us well, know this has been a long road, just over 10 years now. We stopped counting surgeries and procedures at 40 a while back. Though we don’t fully understand why we have endured this, we do know God is on his throne and is in full control, with a perfect plan. He began to prepare us for this road long ago, before we were even married. I was in two severe wrecks a few years apart that only made us stronger and more prepared for these past hardships. We have tested every portion of our vows of for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, from day one, till now. We, as a couple, along with our faith in God have both only become stronger through these times. We are blessed and we serve an amazing God. An incredible group of family and friends have surrounded us with support, love, and prayers. Please continue to pray for strength and peace and that through our situation all eyes be pointed to Jesus, whom our faith rests firmly in.