
That title sounds like we’re in prison. I guess it kind of feels like it! We had multiple visitors today. Amanda’s aunt called me this morning to ask if they could drop by. They live in the hill country and were in the area seeing their kids. They stayed, and we chatted for a while with them. It had been a while since we’d seen them. I think that might have been the only time we have had time with just them and not with other family around. It was really good to see them.

The same cardiologist was rounding today, and we’re ready for him to be off. He always says the same thing: “Keep it up.” If he were our doctor, we would be here forever. Amanda thinks there’s plenty they aren’t telling us, too. Our cardiologist is very forthcoming with all the information and the plan. We’ll both be glad to see him back tomorrow. 

I grabbed some Chipotle for lunch. To keep it light, I tried a veggie bowl without rice. Amanda had a salad, but they gypped her on lettuce, of all things. After lunch, the cold front started to roll in. It was napping weather because that was just what I did. Amanda got a little work done, while I got a little shut-eye.

We had some friends coming by in the afternoon, the couple who came by just before Christmas when I was on my way back home. When they texted me, they were in the parking garage. Amanda had to wake me up; I was out! They stayed for a couple of hours as we laughed and chatted the afternoon away. When the weather let up, the boys made a StarBs refresher run. 

Not too long after they left, our third visitor of the day showed up. A sweet friend of Amanda’s was coming up for an MRI for her daughter at MD Anderson tomorrow. She, her daughters, and her mother stopped by to bring a few things to us. She contacted me a few days ago to see if we needed anything from home. I had a friend grab a few things from the house together. They also had a few gifts from some others around town as well. Someone sent a small plushie. I tried to get a pic of it with Amanda, but she disapproved. So, I just took a selfie with it instead.

The day nurse wasn’t bad, but we only saw him for scheduled meds. At least we didn’t have to wait long for pain meds because the charge nurse answered the call and came right in to give the dose. The night nurse seems friendly and thorough; I don’t think she’ll be a problem. Maybe our luck has changed with nurses. The night nurse had mentioned something about Amanda getting a second transplant. When Amanda told me about that, she said, “She better shut her dirty mouth!” We’re both a little sensitive about nurses mentioning another transplant. I wish they would pay attention to the chart; it obviously doesn’t say anything about a second transplant.

We got dinner from a Chinese place we had last week. DoorDash delivered it, the driver pulled up and hopped out to give me the bag, and his little dog, Duke, hopped out right behind him. I couldn’t help but take a picture for Amanda and get a few pets in. We are missing ours, and both feel bad that we aren’t there for our Tank after having put Zoey down.

We settled in after dinner for a scary movie we’d seen but didn’t really remember. Amanda is the scary movie one; she loves them. I’ve grown to like them. I still won’t watch them in the theater, though. That’s because of an incident when I was younger. Once, while watching a scary movie in the theater, I was leaning forward with a cup of soda in my hands. A loud, scary part came on; I jerked and stabbed myself in the face with the straw. I’ve been scarred ever since, not physically but emotionally; scarred and scared!

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