• No More Metal

    Our eventful weekend wasn’t over yet; after the church parking lot battery swap, we had a long drive to Houston. As a good friend says when he’s frustrated, “Praise the lord and pass the biscuits!” The car drives great, is comfortable, and gets much better mileage than our other suburban. So, that eased the pain…

  • Whirlwind

    It’s been crazy since we’ve been home from our last trip. I don’t even know where to begin. And if the past month was a whirlwind, I wouldn’t even know what to call the last week and a half. We’re currently in the hospital; everything is okay. Amanda had a procedure that was planned at…

  • New Ojos

    New Ojos

    Well, I guess it’s time to update on Amanda. First, the lack of medical posts is a good thing; everything is going great! It’s so good to be nearly three and a half years out of transplant, with doctor visits decreasing each year.  She did have an elective procedure three weeks ago, a long-awaited Lasik…

  • A Busy Summer

    It’s been a busy summer for us. We started with Amanda’s knee manipulation in mid-June. After she recovered a few days, it was nose to the grindstone for her with physical therapy. It’s been a challenge with the recovery not progressing as quickly as she’d hoped. The actual manipulation was a quick and easy procedure.…

  • A long recovery

    Sorry for the lack of posts but life, you know. We’ve been traveling plenty, but primarily to PT appointments. Three times a week, to be exact. It became much more manageable when Amanda started driving a few weeks ago. She hit the 90-bend mark with her knee, but it took a while. Going down to…

  • Home and recovering

    We are home, and Amanda is doing good. She isn’t as far along as we’d anticipated but still doing relatively well for having her bone sawed off and metal parts hammered on! I do have to say that was one of the worst hospital stays we’ve ever had, and we’ve had a lot. I’ll start…

  • Hospital Days and Nights

    The overnight stay wasn’t the Marriott, but it wasn’t too bad either. To my surprise, my feet actually didn’t hang off the chair that pulled out into a bed. They did have to stick Amanda twice for labs early in the morning, a mess up on their part again.  The medication issue carried over to…

  • Knee Replacement

    Knee Replacement

    We had to be at the hospital the day before surgery by early afternoon to get a lab the hospital missed. It didn’t take long to register and get the labs done. Then off to the hotel to get checked in. We don’t have a regular hotel here in San Antonio, but I’m brand loyal…